Life and Inspiration

“When I was young, I thought life was very simple. But then I realized life was indeed full of hardship and the hardship I experienced often made me feel lost. When hardship inevitably comes, it is of paramount importance that we can still appreciate our life and, more importantly, take a break. I would usually like to take this opportunity to buy myself a small gift so that I can regain my energy and smiles. It works wonders. I hope to inspire more and more people so that they, too, can enjoy the encouragement when they need it the most, and so here comes SmartGifts. I can’t wait to see countless new smiley faces restored!”

-Anna Z., Founder of SmartGifts


Our Mission

The mission of SmartGifts is to inspire people to appreciate every moment in life through offering dedicated selections of gifts. 


What is life?

Life is unique.

Life is hard.

Life is cool.


How should we live?

Appreciate your life, as it is unique.

Appreciate your life, as it is hard.

Appreciate your life, as it is cool.

For these reasons, we live!


What can we do for you?

We offer unique and cool products for you. By gifting and rewarding yourself, you can be relieved and refreshed from time to time. Life is hard, but it will always be cool and uplifting!


Our product features

Unique         –     because you are unique

Widely ranged    –     to suit your various needs

Dedicatedly selected –     to meet your expectations


Our service features

Timely delivered –     because you are important

Promptly responded –     because we care